Srinagar History



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Himalayan Archaelogical and Ethnography Museum

The HNBU Museum Complex

Himalayan Archaelogical and Ethnography Museum

The department of History, Ancient History, Culture and Archaelogy (HNB Garhwal University, Srinagar) has established its own Museum in 1980 as a creative centre for encouraging and preserving the Himalayan heritage, traditional folk crafts and arts along with varied manifestation of the life styles from the past to the present, from stone age to the present. The Museum of Himalayan Archaelogical and Ethnography is displaying the explored and excavated archaelogical material-artifacts, teracotta's implements, pottery, sculptures and other antiquities discovered in the mid-central Himalayan region.

It has housed the archival collection of manuscripts, literature, paintings, periodicals, newspapers, local records etc. and also the ethnographic material. The museum has got full fledged graphic and photographic section and a large collection of photographs, slides and line drawings of temples, sculptures and excavated and explored sites of the central Himalayan region. The museum also assists scholars and researchers working in Archaelogical field for the same purpose.

The HAEM invites and encourages people, especially those from Srinagar and Uttarakhand to provide the museum if they have any details or material which has such historical, artistic, archaelogical significance. Materials or collectibles atleast 100 year old, eg. Manuscripts, Tools, Pottery, Sculptures, Coins, Silver or Gold Ornaments, or, any such things could be given to the Museum. This is a unique social service and it will help us all to preserve the Himalayan Culture and Heritage. Any such contribution will be duly acknowledged by the Museum.

You may contact:

The Director,
The Himalayan Archaelogical and Ethnography Museum
Srinagar-246 174 (Uttarakhand)
Tel. : ++91-1346-252391, 253420


The Head of the Department
Department of History,
HNB Garhwal University,
Srinagar-246 174 (Uttarakhand)
Tel.: ++91-1346-252389

:: Source ::
'Uttaranchal, The Abode of Gods', Nest & Wings, New Delhi
Literature from HNB Museum, HNB University, Srinagar

Heritage Srinagar

In ancient times, personalities, saints and legendary like Kalidas, Saint Ramanuja, Guru Gorakhnath, Tulsidas, Shankaracharya, Rishabhdev, Swami Vivekanand and many other known, unknown, visible or disguised have blessed this place with their significant presence and stay. Being important in spiritual and religious texts & verses, it firmly establishes why it is so not just because of it was once so a mythological entity and the tradition would have carried on till the feudal era. Srinagar, if we perceive holistically and sensibly, offers some distinct possibilities and conditions, which are not easily found and felt amid dominating mountain-scape & criss-crossed hills. A serious concern and a painful voice speaks out loud as the city of today with glorious past leaves much, very much to be desired.

»» Ancient Srinagar Photo Gallery

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»» Garhwal History and Srinagar
»» Srinagar History Timeline
»» History & Archaelogical Survey
»» Garhwal Paintings
»» HNB Garhwal University